The FAT file system is pretty old, and is riddled with disadvantages. The simplest way is by formatting the NTFS hard drive with FAT file system, which is recognized by both Windows and Mac. There are multiple ways to read and write NTFS drives on Mac. Ways to Read and Write NTFS Drive on macOS Format NTFS to FAT In the latest Macs, Apple still offers no solutions for the NTFS read-only issue, the No-writing feature is still permitted in the new macOS 11 and macOS 12.

For Windows OS it is the NTFS (New Technology File System), for macOS it is the APFS or macOS Extended file system. These methods are driven by guidelines mentioned in the file system of that operating system. They also have specifications as to what information can be attached to files, such as file permissions, names of the files, attributes etc. Well, every operating system (macOS, Windows, Linux) has their own process of organizing stored files on disk drives. Now, you might be wondering what is NTFS. The reason behind this problem is because macOS cannot recognize the NTFS format, so the writing, editing and deleting feature wasn't available to macOS, but you can still be able to read the NTFS-formatted drive. So, the hard drive won't be of much use to you on your Mac. You can actually read an NTFS hard drive on macOS, but you won't be able to write anything to it. Why I cannot Read and Write NTFS Drive on macOS? Which is why I am writing this tutorial on how you can read and write on NTFS hard drives on Mac, so that you won't have to face the same problems that I did.

But what's the point of keeping these solutions to myself, I am sure there are other users out there who are facing similar issues. So, I did a bit of research to find permanent solutions to this problem. I am a video editor, and I have been facing this difficulty for a long time. If all your work resides on an external hard drive which you have the move between a Windows PC and a Mac, you would know how difficult it can be considering Mac does not write on Windows-formatted NTFS drives, it can only read from them.